Park City Market Overview By Neighborhood
Every day I get asked the question “how is the real estate market in Park City doing these days”? The answer begins with the question, which neighborhood? Park City consists of several different and distinct neighborhoods, all with different advantages and disadvantages, different vibes, different price points. Suffice it to say, the ski in ski out luxury home market will differ greatly than a predominantly full time resident luxury home neighborhood, or a more moderately priced neighborhood in the hottest elementary school district area of the moment.
One of the many fantastic reasons to live in Park City is our community feeling we strive to maintain. Park City is not just a resort town, it’s a vibrant full time community with real people, who work for a living, all with a great love of the outdoors. That commonality attributes to our sense of pride and love we have for our town. Which neighborhood you want to live in depends on which micro-vibe you’re looking for. Either way, each realm also has its own real estate statistics.
Click on the link Below to see a comparison for year over year sales in all the different neighborhoods of Park City. This is a great tool for anyone interested in Park City real estate.
Call me at 801-550-7563 for more detailed information about your favorite Park City neighborhood.