Buying to Teardown and Rebuild: A Quick Look at a New Trend in Park City
There’s no place I’d rather dwell than a ski resort town in the west. They are all great places to live for those who cherish the outdoors, clean air and active lifestyle. Each town has it’s own unique personality. I feel that I completely fit in the Park City vibe and am lucky enough to call it home. Even more rewarding, is to turn folks on to our precious way of life and provide the education and tools necessary to either move here full or part-time.
Like most ski towns out west, they were developed in a time when architecture may not have been terribly appealing but the land and views can’t be beat. Or maybe the huge ski lodge look was all the rage back in the 70’s and 80’s but not so much anymore. So you are creative, have vision, have a sense of adventure, and have some extra cash. You want a more modern day feel, less tree log and more sleek lines. What to do when you can’t find that perfect place? Tear it down and rebuild it.
As quality of life seekers hone in on Park City and decide that they must be on the ski slopes, or close by, the best choice may just be to start over. Purchase a home for the lot, views, ski access, Main Street access or whatever your priorities are. Then start thinking about the possibilities, because they are endless.
There are multiple contractors in Park City that have accomplished fabulous creations from once extremely dated stock. Feeling bad about tearing down a property? No need to feel guilty about the waste. There is a company in town that will dismantle the dated home and re-purpose the materials. Thinking that maybe an extensive remodel is all you need? That’s fine too. But sometimes it takes less money to tear the home down than it does to remodel.
The reality of purchasing a home in Park City, or anywhere, for that matter, is that you need to find a home that gets to 80% perfect. You can change the rest to get the home to 100%. What can’t be changed is the location. So if you’ve exhausted your search and have not found what you are looking for that makes your heart sing, purchase for the location. You can change the rest.
Give me a call for a list of reliable contractors and other resources in Park City. I’m here to help and happy to do so.